
超微量工業安全實驗室 聲明啟事

超微量工業安全實驗室聲明啟事 (Ultra Trace & Industrial Safety Hygiene Laboratory Statement Notices)

超微量工業安全實驗室 聲明啟事



因總公司政策要求不進行動物試驗,本實驗室於2014-2017年間經試驗委託者同意外包相關試驗至另一具TAF OECD GLP符合性登錄資格之實驗室,相關報告皆無敘述本實驗室具備TAF OECD GLP符合性登錄、皆詳細註明外包、亦完整隨附外包實驗室報告,因此所有報告數據皆真實完整有效、品質無虞。

相關報告敘述明確、品質無虞,但因TAF網站於該期間之證書查詢,並未登載詳細登錄細項,為釐清報告使用者查詢TAF證書時可能之誤會,特此聲明上述報告非屬本實驗室TAF OECD GLP登錄範圍。相關報告編號清單如附件。

若相關客戶或權責單位仍有任何疑問,請來電02-22993279分機7310,或email: victor.shan@sgs.com 單為光先生,本實驗室將專人為您說明。

Ultra Trace & Industrial Safety Hygiene Laboratory

Statement Notices

In accordance with the Company’s policy, the Laboratory does not perform animal tests. Please note that the animal test in the reports issued within 2014 – 2017 was outsourced, with the approvals of our sponsors, to subcontractors that complied with the criteria of TAF OECD GLP Compliance Registration in the corresponding scope. These reports have no description of the Laboratory’s TAF OECD GLP Compliance Registration and have specified as subcontracted reports with subcontractors’ full reports appended. We confirmed the quality and integrity of the data in the reports.

In the period of 2014 – 2017, the type of studies inspected within the scope of the TAF OECD GLP Compliance Registration of the Laboratory are not available on the TAF website. To avoid any confusion, please be aware that animal tests are not included in the scope of the Laboratory’s TAF OECD GLP Compliance Registration. The list of report numbers is enclosed for your reference.

Should there be any further inquiry, Please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Victor Shan at +886 2 2299 3279 (ext. 7310) or email to victor.shan@sgs.com.