GADSL Prohibited Substance risk assessment service

Global Automotive Declarable Substance List (GADSL) includes over 3000 substances
GADSL Prohibited Substance risk assessment service

Global Automotive Declarable Substance List


The Global Automotive Declarable Substance List (GADSL) is a list of substances of concern for the automotive-related industries formulated by the Global Automotive Stakeholder Group (GASG). Currently, there are about 230 compounds and more than 3,000 substances in the GADSL list. It is scheduled to be updated once a year in February.


Substances marked as "P" or "D" in the list of notified substances are defined as follows:
P=Prohibited. A substance designated "P" is prohibited for all automotive uses in at least one region/ market, or may not exceed a regulated threshold limit for all automotive uses in at least one region/ market.
D=Declarable. A substance designated "D" must be declared if it exceeds the defined threshold limits.


In order to ensure that the product 3R (Reused, Recycling, Recovery) design is consistent with the development of green environmental laws and regulations, and to meet the concerns and inspections of green environmental units in after market, in addition to international regulatory requirements, GADSL list specifications will also be a crucial reference. Therefore, the materials used in the production of vehicle parts and other related matters would need to meet the requirements of the GADSL list. SGS currently is providing GADSL Prohibited Substances (P) Risk Assessment service for the clients to assess the situation of the materials.


Key point: some of "P" and related heavy metal substances will be assessed in the risk assessment service.

AUTO Service Center
+886 2 2299 3237
No. 125, Wu Kung Road, Wu Ku District, New Taipei City, 248516