As social and environmental issues have become more influential to company operation, institutional investors will evaluate not only traditional financial performance but also environmental and social ones while assessing the operation condition of companies. Besides, in order to fulfill ESG performance concern from various stakeholders, including government, NGOs, clients, employees, etc., companies would disclose non-financial performance information through CSR/CS/ESG reports as well as financial performance. Independent assurance of reports against international standards, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the AA 1000 Accountability Principles (2018), demonstrates an organization’s commitment to customers and stakeholders. It also ensures that all social and environmental information published is accurate and correct.
- Effective communication with stakeholders
- Reliability of CSR/CS/ESG reports
- Enhancement of competitive capacity
- Continuous improvement in ESG performance
Applicable to
Organizations in all sectors
Training Courses
- GRI Standards and Report Assurance Practice
- CSR/CS/ESG Reporting (customized)